The app is relatively simple, which makes sense given the limitations of the screen on which you’ll be navigating the interface. An algorithmic home page, search page, personal library, and settings are all swipeable. It won’t be long before you’ve got the hang of things. You can also view comments and turn on the captions. You will also be able to watch videos with captions regardless of whether the volume is turned up or down, and even change the size of the captions. To save the watch’s battery, you should use captions without audio.
What’s the flaw? The absurdity of WatchTube knows no bounds. Because the Apple Watch wasn’t designed for video content in the first place — the screen is too small for it, after all — the app may not work as well for some people as it does for others, despite the fact that it’s been on the App Store for a few weeks. A future update, according to the WatchTube developer, will include an audio-only mode so you can listen to songs on YouTube without having to keep the Apple Watch display turned on. You probably won’t be watching YouTube videos on your Apple Watch on a regular basis, but it’s a fun thing to do and demonstrates how far technology has come. Read Also: Top YouTube Channels in 2022