WhatsApp has been getting criticism for its latest privacy policy update. It has resulted in a rise of users of Telegram. But how distinct it is from WhatsApp Telegram. End-to-end encryption indicates that the message can be read only by the message sender and recipient. nEven the server that manages it o devices, such as Signal or iMessage, is unable to decode and read what someone has written. Hackers wouldn’t even be able to interpret the messages if those servers were ever compromised, too. In order to secure communications, it is safe to assume that end-to-end (e2e) encryption is an important feature. Last week, Telegram’s messaging service said it hit 500 million monthly active users. A spike which can be primarily traced to the latest privacy policy update from WhatsApp. Compared to last year, this is huge achievement for us, when 1.5 million users signed up in a day. Throughout our 7-year history of preserving consumer privacy, we’ve had spikes of downloads before. But it’s different this time,’ said Telegram CEO. The signal is always encoded end-to-end. For friends, family, and company at the moment, Whatsapp has e2e; some business chats will change in a few months. Sadly, Facebook Messenger and Telegram are not e2e.